2022: The Year of the Tornado

Chinese Horoscope proclaimed 2022 as the year of the tiger, but for me, it was the year of the tornado. Tornados, like breast cancer, upend everything in your life, without warning. One minute everything is good, and the next, you are caught up in a whirlwind that you have no control over and you have to do everything you can just to survive.
April 7, 2022 was the day my tornado struck. It propelled me through four rounds of chemo, a lumpectomy, two additional rounds of chemo, and 15 rounds of radiation. Breast cancer tornados come out of nowhere - providing no time to hide in the basement to avoid it, and no idea of how long it is going to take until you finally get the "all clear" signal.
On Thursday, March 30, 2023, I had my first mammogram since surgery. The scanxiety was real. And my friends, I am ecstatic to say that it showed no sign of breast cancer! I am officially, officially cancer free! I will still have Kadcyla (a "lite" chemo) every three weeks til September and a hormone blocker for five years (which are both just preventative measures).
On January 1, I posted on Facebook that for 2023 I wish for health, happiness and hair - and an Eagles Super Bowl. My wishes all came true - but next year I definitely need to be more specific and say an Eagles Super Bowl WIN!
I again want to thank you all for your love and support over the past year! I could not have made it through this tornado without you! XOXO