84 Days of Chemo- The Second 21
Round 2 was all about gratitude.
"The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.”
Mary Davis

Let me introduce you to The Orchid. The Orchid has been a member of our family since 2013, when Mark gave it to me for Mother's Day. If you have been gifted an orchid, you know how temperamental they can be, so keeping one alive can be like caring for another child.
The Orchid has a very predictable blooming schedule. It blooms in late fall and provides us with beautiful flowers throughout the dark, cold winter. Being someone who hates the cold, I am very grateful for this little peek of spring.
This past year, it followed its normal pattern, and was done blooming in late March. It is always a sad day when the final bloom falls off, as we will need to wait six months for it to rest and flower again.
So imagine my surprise when in mid April I noticed a new shoot growing off the main stalk. That darn, beautiful, temperamental plant was going to bloom again, just in time for my chemo treatments to start! It will stand strong and beautiful, right alongside me - showing me that you can achieve the unthinkable, and bloom against all odds!
